All meetings for the FY2025 will be held in-person at the Wood County Hospital Meeting Rooms located at 950 W Wooster St., Bowling Green. Entrance is located at the back of the hospital.
Rebates will not be issued without a representative being present at in-person meetings.

BWC and the WCSC
The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) co-sponsors over 80 safety councils in Ohio to provide a forum for occupational safety and health in local communities. Bowling Green Chamber of Commerce manages the Wood County Safety Council. Becoming a member of the Safety Council will provide employers with a wide variety of accident prevention, risk management, and workers’ compensation education, information and resources. By joining the safety council and meeting certain required criteria, you’ll have the potential to save money on your BWC premiums paid into BWC.
Mission Statement
The Wood County Safety Council is a non-profit, community-based organization whose mission is to improve the quality of businesses in Wood County, Ohio through safety, health, and environmental enhancements, by providing education and resources to those businesses.