Ohio EPA’s Recycling & Litter Prevention Program (R&LP) provides grant funding to communities, local governments, academic institutions, businesses, nonprofit organizations, and state agencies to establish and implement recycling, market development, litter prevention and scrap tire recycling programs. There are four different grant programs: Community and Litter Grants, Market Development Grants, Scrap Tire Grants and new for 2020 – Academic Institution Grants.
Ohio EPA’s annual R&LP grant program will be accepting applications from Nov. 4, 2019 through Feb. 7, 2020, with grants awarded on July 1, 2020. The application process for this funding program is highly competitive. Total available grant funds vary from year to year. There is a maximum award for a single project and different match requirements, depending on the grant type.
To assist potential applicants, Ohio EPA will host informational webinars on Nov. 6, 2019 and Jan. 8, 2020 to explain eligibility requirements and the grant application process.
Where else can you find more information? Please visit the Ohio EPA recycling website: recycleohio.gov.
Who can you contact for more information?
Marie Barnett Grants Administrator (614) 705-1019 marie.barnett@epa.ohio.gov
Travis Limbert Grants Coordinator (614) 644-2827 travis.limbert@epa.ohio.gov
Dave Foulkes Environmental Specialist (614) 644-3118 david.foulkes@epa.ohio.gov
Kelsey Heyob Environmental Specialist (614) 705-1013 kelsey.heyob@epa.ohio.gov
Grant recipients will be announced in April 2020 and funding will be made available in July 2020.