Ohio EPA’s 11th Compliance Assistance Conference March 31 – April 1, 2020

On March 31 – April 1, 2020, Ohio EPA will host our 11th Compliance Assistance Conference at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in downtown Columbus, Ohio. Through our conference, you will gain valuable information and contacts to help you with your environmental compliance responsibilities. We will be featuring two keynote speakers. Come hear Ohio EPA’s new Director, Laurie A. Stevenson, discuss Agency goals and objectives in the morning of day one, and then learn from U.S. EPA Regional Administrator Cathy Stepp about Region V priorities during our mid-day plenary session.

The two-day conference will cover a variety of environmental compliance-related topics, including:
•     Risk Assessment 101 (NEW)
•     Preparing a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (NEW)
•     Intro to Water Quality Standards (NEW)
•     Vapor Intrusion Assessment and Mitigation (NEW)
•     EPCRA, TRI and RMP Reporting
•     Air Permitting Basics and Reporting
•     Preparing for an Ohio EPA Inspection
•     Hazardous Waste Requirements
•     Hazardous Waste Rules Update
•     Used Oil and SPCC Requirements
•     NPDES Permits and Electronic (e-DMR) Reporting
•     Compliance Assistance: Resources to Help You Reduce Pollution and Achieve Compliance
•     Storm Water Requirements for Industrial and Construction Activities
•     Universal Waste and Used Oil Rules.

A large part of the conference is targeted to businesses and others who need to know the basics about environmental compliance. However, the agenda also includes advanced topics, such as Title V permits and reporting and a special three four-hour SPCC session. There also will be a plenary panel session from our program chiefs who will share the priorities and cover hot topics that are important to you.

The complete conference agenda and registration information is now available at http://epa.ohio.gov/compliance_conference.

We look forward to seeing you next spring! If you have any questions, contact Supora Hunter, Ohio EPA at supora.hunter@epa.ohio.gov.