Open Enrollment Now Ongoing!

The Wood County Safety Council, along with the Bowling Green Chamber of Commerce announces the annual renewal and open enrollment of the Wood County Safety Council. Open enrollment continues through July 31 for FY2024. All current members must have their dues paid by July 31 to stay in good standing. 

Employers meeting all safety council rebate eligibility requirements will earn a 3 percent participation rebate on their BWC premium. Other benefits include learning techniques for increasing safety, health and wellness in your workplace, networking and sharing best practices with other employers in the community, help with finding resources to assist you with accident prevention, and having access to risk management information and strategies to reduce your workers’ compensation costs.

Enrollment in a safety council is open to all state funded, self-insured companies, and public employers in Ohio who pay premiums or administrative fees to BWC. To enroll, an employer must have active BWC coverage. Enrollment may happen at any time of the year, but employers are encouraged to enroll by July 31 to take full advantage of the benefits. Companies with under 100 employees will pay annual dues of $100, while companies with over 100 employees will pay $150. 

Monthly meetings take place on Tuesdays from 7:30-9:00am at the Wood County Hospital – Bachman-Keil Meeting Rooms located at 950 W. Wooster St, Bowling Green, OH. A continental breakfast is provided at each meeting and raffle prizes are given.

If you are interested in learning more, call at (419) 353-7945 or email Griffin Olah at

Wood County Safety Council is presented by the Bowling Green Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Ohio Bureau of Worker’s Compensation.

You can also fill out the enrollment form here and submit via email to Griffin Olah at